Customize Your Limited Edition Tealive Photobook For FREE Now With Photobook Apps

 Dear Readers, 

Photobook Malaysia Collaborated With Tealive On The Valentine's Day This Year

I believe everyone loves to take lot of photos to capture the memories with our loved ones, it can be your family members, BFF and friends. As for my own records, I will need to transfer all the photos from my phone into hard disk every quarter at least!
But after transferred, do we still open each of the folders to view those memories? I guess no, right! Unless we have the reason to dig into those folders again, for example, participating in contests or throwing back the memories. 
Customize Your Limited Edition Tealive Photobook For FREE Now With Photobook Apps
My FREE Tealive Limited Edition Photobook
For me, I have a habit to document those memorable memories with my loved ones or creating a summary physical album after a trip or during special occasions. This album is my personal PHOTOBOOK. 
Customize Your Limited Edition Tealive Photobook For FREE Now With Photobook Apps
Photobook Collection (Festive Season, Special Occasions, etc.)
Special this year in conjunction with the Valentine's Day, Photobook Malaysia and Tealive have collaborated to come out with this lovely and perfect LIMITED EDITION Tealive Photobook. This is indeed a good timing for us to create this photobook as a gift to surprise our loved ones.
I took this opportunity to create a summary to capture the journey that I have with them over the year of 2020. Last year can be real tough year to everyone but the moments we shared together worth to be documented as a reminder that we still have good and quality time spent together regardless how hard the year has finally ended. 
Customize Your Limited Edition Tealive Photobook For FREE Now With Photobook Apps
Customize Your Photobook For FREE Now
Upst! I forgot to mentioned that I actually create this limited edition photobook for FREE. Let me share with you how you can get yours now for FREE to surprise your loved one, okay? 
First, you will need to download the Photobook App. Create your account and let start the journey to get your FREE Tealive Limited Edition Photobook.
Customize Your Limited Edition Tealive Photobook For FREE Now With Photobook Apps
Photobook App Interface - Step 1: Choose Tealive
Once you have created your account, click on the "Tealive" icon in your Photobook App interface. On the Select Size interface, choose "Tealive Photobook". There are other options as well such as "Deluxe Tealive Photobook" and "Premium Tealive Photobook". 
Customize Your Limited Edition Tealive Photobook For FREE Now With Photobook Apps
Step 2: Choose "Tealive Photobook"
You can start to customized your photobook by selecting 21 photos and it will be inserted into the default Tealive photobook template. At this step, you can adjust the display in the template and also swap it around to suit your preference. 
Customize Your Limited Edition Tealive Photobook For FREE Now With Photobook Apps
Step 3: Choose 21 Photos and Adjust Them To Fit Your Preference
Upon completion, Photobook App will prompt for Upsize from 6" x 6" to 8" x 8" for only RM10.00 (N/P: RM 59.00). If you choose to create the 6" x 6" photobook, just click "No Thank".
Customize Your Limited Edition Tealive Photobook For FREE Now With Photobook Apps
Step 4: Upgrade by Upsizing Your Photobook
Now, you will need to choose the paper for your Photobook where you can go for Premium Silk Paper for FREE or you can opt for other paper options with additional cost.
Customize Your Limited Edition Tealive Photobook For FREE Now With Photobook Apps
Step 5: Choose the Paper Option
You will reach the final page which is the Your Cart page. Before you checkout, remember to apply my promo code "TEALIVE66NELFEI" to enjoy your FREE Limited Edition Tealive Photobook. 
Customize Your Limited Edition Tealive Photobook For FREE Now With Photobook Apps
Step 6: Click "Apply Voucher Code" and Insert "TEALIVE66NELFEI"
Simple as that guys! Why not get yours now either for your self-collection or to surprise your loved one.

This promo code is valid until 28th February 2021 only. So, don't miss it guys!
Let share this out with your family and friends that will love to create this photobook for FREE too. Sharing is caring, right!

Have a great day ahead. 

Signing Off For Now And Take Care Till We Meet Again On My Next Post. 
For Collaboration And Any Inquiry, Feel Free To Email Me At

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  1. wow RM10 je untuk promosi CNY?! Banyak tu dia kurangkan. Memang berbaloi kalau order dengan diorang sekarang

  2. Wow thanks Nelfei for the code. I got so many photos to print out in albums and this really help.

  3. dulu i rajin buat photobook. setiap kali travel mesti beli 1 photobok. nal buat la yang ni template rralive cantik

  4. wah. best ni. murah!
    saya da ada 4 photobook size besar imagewrap.
    thn lepas tak buat pun. dok la covid19, tak terfikir nak buat photobook.
    mcm nak grab la your offer ni. still have plenty of time :)

  5. You are right. I have a huge amount of pictures laying somewhere in the drive that I have never visited anymore. I should make the photobook too. Nak guna your code la ye.

  6. photobook ni murah je kan sebenarnya. gambar saya pun banyak yang print.

  7. I suka tau buat photobook mmacam ni, sebab yela kenangan kan..nanti boleh tengok balik. But kekangan masa, tak sempat nak arrange & pilih gambar.

  8. Hampir terlupa sudah, Nel update ni baru ingat,s ebab dapat mesej dah dari Tealive.. kang free nak buatlah ... cantik Nel punya..

  9. This is great! i plan to do 1 photobook for my mom during her birthday.

  10. love it when brands get creative to get the attention of the customers and this photobook certainly does the trick! love how it helps its customers to cherish important moments on important days. such a meaningful gift!

  11. teringin jugak buat photobook macam nie buat kenangan. yg bestnya sebab kita boleh customized ikut tema yang kita suka n boleh hadiahkan utk yg tersayang jugak
