Dear Readers,
Ailezee Rich Sdn. Bhd. Started Legal Action By Sending Demand Letter To Standard And Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) Over A Viral Issue On Social Media
I had the opportunity to attend Press Conference held by Ailezee Rich Sdn. Bhd. to make things clear and explain to the public with regards to the hot topic that went viral recently between Skin Dessert and SIRIM.
The issue started on the 4th of October 2022 when Puan Zirra Abdullah, Founder of Skin Dessert and Encik Aliff Abd Kadir, Managing Director of Skin Dessert uploaded a photo at the entrance of the SIRIM building with the aim to inform that Skin Dessert is currently in the process of conducting product tests with SIRIM.
Skin Dessert through the appointed agent, Abam Peah Holdings Sdn Bhd has made two (2) time payments to SIRIM to conduct two types of tests known as Skin Irritation Test and 'Ujian Keberkesanan Produk' on Skin Dessert Repairing Moisturizer.
However, SIRIM through SIRIM's official account had leave a comment on the post dated on October 27, 2022 at 4.20 P.M. where "SIRIM Berhad ingin menegaskan bahawa SIRIM Berhad tidak pernah menjalankan sebarang pengujian terhadap produk Skin Dessert. Untuk sebarang pertanyaan berkenaan pengujian produk komestik, sila hubungi"
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Both Founder and Managing Director Received Criticisms And Experiencing Emotional Stress On Top Of The Reputational Damage Of The Business |
the moment this entry was posted, there are a total of 2,828 comments
with 48K people reacted to SIRIM Berhad's comment on Puan Zirra's
Facebook post. We can see that the comment made by SIRIM instantly
went viral resulting in both Puan Zirra and Encik Aliff receiving
various criticisms from netizens for the past two months.
These criticisms have indirectly affected Skin Dessert's business reputation which suffers losses of up to 60% and both Puan Zirra and Encik Aliff have to experience emotional stress considering acting professionally without making any statement about the issue.
In fact, SIRIM Berhad's comment was clearly contradictory considering that Skin Dessert has made an application for product testing and product samples have sent to SIRIM on September 8, 2022.
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Media At Skin Dessert Press Conference With The Q&A Session To Get More Information About This Viral Issue |
Product Testing By SIRIM
SIRIM then through a letter dated October 26, 2022 , informed that SIRIM had to cancel the testing application on the product sample that has been sent by Skin Dessert.
The payment that has been made for both tests will be returned to Abam Peah Holdings Sdn Bhd as an intermediary for Skin Dessert and SIRIM.
Following up on the comment and cancellation made by SIRIM, Abam Peah Holdings Sdn Bhd has applied to hold a meeting with SIRIM to further discuss the arising issues where the meeting was successfully held on November 2, 2022.
The points of discussion include the request from Skin Dessert for SIRIM to apologize and explain the actual situation that occurs where Skin Dessert submitted an application and pay to SIRIM to carry out two (2) tests which are Skin Irritation Test and 'Ujian Keberkesanan Produk' for Skin Dessert Repair Moisturizer.
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Interactive Q&A Session Between Skin Dessert And Media Friends |
As part of the discussion, SIRIM has agreed to continue the tests for Skin Dessert Repair Moisturizer as per planned and the test result of the product has been released by SIRIM on November 16, 2022.
The results of the test report from SIRIM stated that Skin Dessert Repairing Moisturizer "Under the condition of this test, Skin Dessert Repairing Moisturizer is consider as Non-Irritant (NI) to in vitro skin LabCyte EPI-MODEL 24."
One thing is clear now about the Skin Irritant Test as per test results, but Skin Dessert is currently still giving SIRIM an opportunity to clarify all claims submitted since the lawyer representing SIRIM is still in the process of waiting for further instructions and SIRIM's response regarding Skin Dessert claims as notified through a letter dated on December 14, 2022.
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Skin Dessert With Test Report Issued On 16 November 2022 |
This is indeed important for both Puan Zirra Abdullah and Encik Aliff for SIRIM to re-clarify considering the comments made by SIRIM on Puan Zirra's social media platform are intentional statements that do not reflect the actual situation to the public.
The statements made by SIRIM have raised doubts that do not describe the actual situation that happened to the public. This action has the potential to cause defamation (fitnah) that can cause reputational damage, integrity and trustworthiness in general by stockists, agents and users of Skin Dessert.
The agency's statement can cause the community to have the perception that Skin Dessert has a hidden agenda and create doubts about the Skin Dessert brand.
Old Product Has Been Discontinued For Long Time
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Skin Dessert New Range In The Market |
For your information, the product Skin Dessert Moisturizer Treatment which was canceled by the Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) in October 2022, has stopped production and the final production of the product is in December 2021 through a MEMO which posted on Skin Dessert's official social media platform.
Skin Dessert Cream adalah produk yang telah ditarik balik daripada pasaran oleh pihak kami dan dihentikan pengeluaran pada December 2021 melalui satu MeMo yang disiarkan di social media rasmi kami. Ejen dan stokis juga telah dimaklumkan dan tidak menjual produk ini. kenyataan rasmi dari Encik Mohd Aliff Abd Kadir, Pengarah Urusan Skin Dessert.
The new product that replaced Skin Dessert Moisturizer Treatment is Skin Dessert Repairing Moisturizer which is the product that was sent to SIRIM for the lab testing.
Restructuring Plan (Pelan Penstrukturan Semula)
Through Skin Dessert's Long-Term Restructuring Plan, all the products will be sent for laboratory testing gradually starting with Skin Dessert Repairing Moisturizer. Skin Dessert also sent six (6) products to Malaysia National Poison Centre (NPC) Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Through the results of this test, all products sent were classified as Not Detected or tested free of heavy metal content. The product testing has been conducted at NPC Toxicology Laboratory.
Due to the Malaysia National Poison Centre (NPC) Universiti Sains Malaysia terms and conditions that must be adhered to by Skin Dessert, the test results cannot be shared publicly, but you can check the results of these tests by contacting NPC Toxicology Laboratory using the reference PRN2022/581-587 for test validation.
The HOTLINE number is 011 - 2086 3130.
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Skin Dessert Founder And Team |
I sincerely hope that the issue between Skin Dessert and SIRIM can be resolved professionally and the good name of Skin Dessert will be restored after better clarification from both parties. Not only that, the confidence of the public will be restored to confidently use Skin Dessert's products that have been tested by professional agencies.
It is always 'afdal' to listen before you talk, think before you react and wait before you criticize!
For more information about Skin Dessert, you can visit their official website or contact them at:
Skin Dessert
Website | 017 - 974 7591
Office Hour:
Sunday - Thursday
(8.00 A.M. - 5.00 P.M)
Ailezee Rich Sdn Bhd
PT2433, Krai Central Park,
18000 Kuala Krai,
Kelantan Darul Naim
Signing Off For Now And Take Care Till We e-Meet Again On My Next Post.
For Collaboration Or Any Inquiries, Feel Free To Email Me At
Alhamdulillah satu inisiatif yang bagus untuk memperbaiki nama jenama Skin Dessert.
ReplyDeleteSemoga semuanya baik-baik aja selepas nie kan..
ReplyDeleteI ada baca juga pasal ni, memang ramai yang bash juga sebab the founder ambil masa yang lama sangat untuk response.
ReplyDeletemoga semuanya berakhir dengan baik. penjelasan dr kedua pihak mmg diperlukan bg tidak mengeruhkan keadaan
ReplyDeleteSkin Dessert bersuara ni bagus. Tapi kenapa nak saman SIRIM? Sepatutnya mereka improve je product packaging dan kualiti. Mereka dah ada pengguna setia. SIRIM komen sebab netizen tag SIRIM gambar founder tu. Masa tu Skin Dessert belum ada lagi kerjasama bersama SIRIM. Maybe founder excited kan. Cuma, sebab persaingan sengit bisnes kecantikan. So, kesian juga lah. Bad marketing is good marketing. Come back stronger okay Skin Dessert?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this, I've read so much about them on news & great that they've taken action to protect their brand name for their customers. Cheers Siennylovesdrawing
ReplyDeleteit is so unfortunate when a business has to go through obstacles as such. i hope things get resolved soon for all the parties involved!